The Inherent Dangers of Being Born Female

I haven’t always comprehended the inherent dangers of being born female. I’ve so far lived a pretty normal, uneventful 60 years just like millions of other women. But then I look back to the time (and these are just a few): Teens Twenties Thirties And now, as a mother of a daughter I see her anger and hear her stories about her own experiences and I WANT TO SCRATCH THE EYES OUT OF ALL THOSE…

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I’m so angry right now. It seems that the government is obsessed with destroying our country. From dividing us with its race-based referendum to annihilating the environment, decimating vulnerable native animals with virtue-signalling wind towers of death and countryside vandalism of solar farms. Not to mention sacrificing the nation’s ability to produce food with transmission towers over farmland. Oh, and forget about defending this once-free country from those who wish us harm … since our…

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Integrity Definition: ‘soundness of moral principle and character, uprightness; honesty.’ Macquarie Dictionary What does it mean? What does it mean to me? What does it mean to everybody else? Does it matter? I believe that integrity is what keeps us true to ourselves. In a world full of individuals, each a unique being with ideals and principles that may differ from one person to another, adhering to a personal standard is key. That which I…

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The Pen

The pen is an instrument of power. It can both build and break relationships. It can foster peace or incite war. A gentle soul may use it to write sonnets and love songs while a different soul may use it to scoff at and ridicule such things. In the hands of a child the pen is a conduit for learning. As she graduates from crayons to pencils and then to her first pen her eyes…

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Counsel to the stars, I seek your wisdom The lunar voices certainly excel In their masquerade of righteous interference And by doing so, may damn us all to Hell   ‘Embrace perversion, crush the weak Let no God-fearing man speak Lest pangs of conscience move a soul to tears And unborn children have a hope of life for many years.’   They say we are enlightened, have evolved Into a higher being able to accept…

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Whispers on the Train

They were whispers at first, garbled murmurs in the background as I reflected on my day. The frenetic pace, the telephone calls and harsh letters demanding urgent action. Tantrums from the Office Diva and cackles from the Wise Ones, beaming as they watched her almost fall. Sometimes, the photocopier, in spite of its imperfections, can seem one’s lone civil acquaintance against the backdrop of ‘office etiquette’. ‘Two more years.’ I heard her say. Through the murmurs…

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Midnight Conversations

Someone said: I stand alone for I am Fear The one you seek is not who’s here The mirror lies in wait for him Who wants to take you to the rim Of darkness    Cry salty tears confused in space ‘Am I to die within this place, Frail heart enclosed in empty tomb Of barren thoughts and barren womb?’   No quarter asked nor quarter given Lonely, squalid child of Heaven My mission sweet…

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