


Definition: ‘soundness of moral principle and character, uprightness; honesty.’ Macquarie Dictionary

What does it mean? What does it mean to me? What does it mean to everybody else? Does it matter?

I believe that integrity is what keeps us true to ourselves. In a world full of individuals, each a unique being with ideals and principles that may differ from one person to another, adhering to a personal standard is key.

That which I may deem acceptable might not be acceptable to you, and vice versa.  If we both abide by the ideals and principles that we hold dear, we have integrity. If however, we believe one thing but act against that belief, our integrity is diminished.

Whenever we do something that diminishes our integrity, even just a little bit, it becomes easier and easier to continue to diminish it. Every tiny measure or action we take that is contrary to what we believe is right eats away at our integrity until it is no longer there.

The answer, in my opinion, is to nurture honesty, to embrace our imperfections and acknowledge our weaknesses. Instead of trying to portray something we are not, with humility and grace be thankful for all that we are.

Integrity keeps us on track in those times when we’re tempted to lose our way. It’s a beacon to guide us back to our core values when we’ve allowed ourselves to go astray. It’s telling the truth when a lie would be so much easier. It’s having courage to stand against the crowd instead of doing nothing.

Integrity in others is to be as respected as it is within us.

And its light must never go out.

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