

Counsel to the stars, I seek your wisdom
The lunar voices certainly excel
In their masquerade of righteous interference
And by doing so, may damn us all to Hell
‘Embrace perversion, crush the weak
Let no God-fearing man speak
Lest pangs of conscience move a soul to tears
And unborn children have a hope of life for many years.’
They say we are enlightened, have evolved
Into a higher being able to accept
As right and good and honourable those things
Over which, in ages past, Jesus wept.
Silence me? Will they succeed?
Or can I show by word and deed
Democracy can fail if what is right
Becomes pariah in the wake of ‘popular insight’
And so I seek advice oh, Stellar Counsel
Can there be an end to lunar voice deceit?
Awake the sleeping will of truth and justice
And let not our folly be our worst defeat

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